Morgan Oates
3 min readSep 14, 2020


Keelee MacPhee, MD

In thirty days I’m getting my penis amputated.

When I first started the transition process I sat down with my partner and discussed goals and expectations. I was strongly against getting a vaginoplasty. It’s a complicated surgery.

University of Utah Health

There’s so much that could go wrong. Vaginal prolapse. Fistulas. Colon or abdominal puncture during surgery. Plus there’s the lifelong dilation.

So why the hell did I decide this is for me?

Honestly, my penis doesn’t give me dysphoria. So it’s not that I need the procedure to feel whole. I would go so far as to say that I actually like my penis, when it’s functional.

Having a vagina isn’t going to make me passable. I’m built like a door. I’m 6’5" and about 400#. I have a 58" bust, a 46" waist, and 32" thighs. I am not small, dainty, or even plus size. I’m a giant.

Game of Thrones Wiki — Fandom

I identify strongly with this image.

I don’t feel the need for penetrative sex. If I do, anal is fine.

All great reasons to keep my penis. But when I was researching breast augmentation and facial feminization surgery I found an option I had never heard of.

Zero depth vaginoplasty. Also called vulvoplasty.

University of Utah Health

Turns out the reasons why I never considered a vaginoplasty make me a great candidate for a vulvoplasty.

This whole concept really speaks to me. I get to have the appearance of a vagina, but none of the risks that scare me, or the upkeep that I don’t want to do because I’m not interested in being penetrated.

I’m still scared. When I say the words my stomach turns. Every time I go to the bathroom I wonder if I’m going to miss standing to pee. Every time I get an erection I wonder if I’m going to remember my last one.

I’m still going to go through with it though.

I wish more trans women talked about their transition on well traveled, easily found sites. I wish more trans women like me (on the older side of the spectrum [I’m 35], on the more masculine side of the spectrum, or don’t look like the average insta girl) talked about what they were going through.

I really could have used something like this a year ago.

Hopefully someone who needs to hear this comes across it.

